Filing Deadline For City Office Is Today

vote voting ballotSheldon, Iowa — People seeking election to public office in the November 3rd General Election have until 5:00 o’clock this afternoon (Thursday, September 17th) to file their nominating petitions at their County Auditor’s Office.

In Sheldon, there are three seats up for election on the Sheldon City Council.  Ron Rensink currently serves the 1st Ward, Brad Hindt represents the 3rd Ward, and Greg Geels is the current At-Large Councilman.  All three of those seats will be on the ballot November 3rd.

One change of note in this year’s election:  previously, candidates could file their papers at City Hall for these City Elections.  This year, all candidates must file their papers at the County Auditor’s Office by 5 pm today.

