How Much Vacation Did YOU Take Last Year?

luggageNorthwest Iowa — Northwest Iowans are known for having a good work ethic but a new survey shows two in five of us didn’t take a single vacation day in all of last year. The report also found that those of us who live in rural areas are less likely to take vacation than those in urban areas.

Business consultant Daren Martin says that mindset may be seen by some as noble but it needs to shift for the sake of the businesses and the employees.

Martin, who calls himself a consultant, coach and culture architect, says people think of themselves as more dedicated workers if they skip taking vacations, that, or they’re scared to leave.

Martin says it’s often the employer that discourages workers from using that much-needed time off, as he says some managers just don’t get the importance of vacation.

The survey shows those who took the least amount of vacation time live in rural areas and women take less time off than men.



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