Huckabee Visits Sheldon

Huckabee in SheldonSheldon, Iowa — Former Arkansas Governor and Republican Presidential candidate Mike Huckabee made a brief stop in Sheldon Thursday evening, visiting Jard, Inc., a local firearms manufacturer.

About 35 people were on hand to meet and greet Huckabee, a much smaller crowd than that which greeted the candidate this past August when he last visited Sheldon.

Huckabee spoke for about 15 minutes, touting, among other things, his proposal to dismantle the Internal Revenue Service and replace the Federal Income Tax with a National Sales Tax.  Huckabee told those gathered that it would be a more fair tax, because it would also collect taxes from some who avoid taxes now by accepting wage payments under the table.  He said that, not only do those workers avoid paying income tax, but their employers avoid paying Social Security taxes, as well.

Huckabee then spent about thirty minutes or so answering questions from the crowd, that ranged from Second Amendment issues to dealing with ISIS.

Huckabee left the gathering after about 45 minutes to head to two additional campaign appearances that were scheduled for Thursday evening.

