Money-Saving Tips Will Lower Your Heating Bill

Northwest Iowa — With snow in the weather and low temperatures expected to dip under zero this coming week, now might be a good time to think about energy efficiency and keeping your heating bill low.
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According to a report released by the United States Department of Energy this fall, customers could pay more to heat their homes this winter compared to last winter due to higher natural gas prices and lower temperatures.

Ashton Hockman from MidAmerican Energy tells us there are several things you can do to help keep your heating bill low. One of them is pretty simple.

She says if you find yourself chilly at that temperature, you can always wear a sweater or a sweatshirt. She says there are ways to make it easier to do.

She says that contrary to what some have been saying about using energy to bring the home back up to temperature, their research has shown that a programmable thermostat does save money.

She says keeping the warm air inside is another way to save energy and money.

Taking care of your furnace also helps, she says.

She says they have a free program to help out as well.

MidAmerican says customers with homes more than 10 years old whose primary heat source is delivered by MidAmerican Energy are eligible to participate in a HomeCheck. Customers with newer homes can participate in an online home energy assessment that provides energy saving tips and compares your energy use to similar homes. To schedule a free, on-site HomeCheck, fill out a form online or call 800-545-0762.

You may qualify for government weatherization assistance too. MidAmerican advises you to check with your local Community Action Agency outreach office.

For more information on how to prepare your home for winter, visit:

