Sheldon Backpack Program Needs Your Help

food pantry cans cannedSheldon, Iowa — The Sheldon Community Schools Backpack Program needs your help!

Sheldon Middle School Guidance Counselor Kari Kopperud tells us about the origins of the Backpack Program.

Kopperud says participation in the program has grown rapidly.

She says that, while the cost per child is very reasonable, the total cost really adds up.

Kopperud says the Backpack Program is funded entirely through donations, and the increase in program participation means they need more donations.

She says monetary donations are the most helpful, but for those who would like, they can take part in the Pop Can Drive that will be held during conferences on November 5th and 10th.

In addition to the weekend backpacks, the Sheldon Backpack Program also provides some more substantial bags of food during holiday breaks.

