Sheldon School Board To Meet Wednesday Evening

Sheldon, Iowa — The Board of Education of the Sheldon Community School District will meet in regular session on Wednesday, January 16th, 2019 in the high school library.

The School Board will enter into a Public Hearing, at which time the proposed 2019-20 District Calendar may be commented on by the public. The tentative calendar has the first day of classes set for August 23rd, and the last day of classes scheduled for May 27th. Commencement is tentatively scheduled for May 24th. The Board will then end the Public Hearing and take action to adopt the district calendar later in the meeting.

The first semester of school ended on Friday, January 11th, 2019. Teachers attended in-services on January 14th and 15th, and final grades were due the morning of January 16th. Report cards & newsletters from the schools are expected to be mailed out to parents between the 18th and 21st of this month.

Among the items on the agenda, Superintendent Cory Myer is expected to update the Board on the 1 – to – 1 Technology Initiative, which rolled out at the beginning of January. Discussion will also take place regarding rotating out old buses, Sheldon’s rating in the Iowa School Performance Profile, and setting dates for ENGIE board work sessions.

In new business, the 2019-20 High School Registration handbook will be reviewed. A recommendation is expected to be made on the repair or replacement of the gym floors and the high school stage. The next proposed Spanish Club trip will be discussed, as will the possibility of the Sheldon School District taking over the preschool program currently running at Children’s World.

In addition, the Board is expected to approve three open enrollment applications, two employee resignations, and one employee contract.

This month’s Sheldon School Board meeting will begin at 5:00 in the high school library.



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