When Shoveling Sidewalks & Driveways, Clear Fire Hydrants, Too

Northwest Iowa — Snow is forecast for later this week, and area fire chiefs are asking for a little help.

Several area fire chiefs are asking property owners and local citizens to help ensure that, when there’s a fire, firefighters don’t have to waste time shoveling snow to gain access to hydrants.

Even though the snow forecast for later this week shouldn’t bury the hydrants on your property, it’s a safe bet there will be more snow coming this winter, and the accumulations may make the hydrants inaccessible.

The fire chiefs say time is of the essence in fighting a fire, and time firefighters spend digging out a fire hydrant when they could be fighting the fire, could end in tragedy.

They ask that you dig out about a 3-foot area around the fire hydrant, as well as a path from the hydrant to the street. Just take a few minutes when your clearing your sidewalks and driveways, and clear snow away from the fire hydrants, as well. Make it a habit every time it snows. The area fire chiefs will thank you.



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