Iowa Egg Council Announces A Virtual Easter Egg Hunt & Coloring Contest

(iarn) — Iowa Egg Council announces a virtual Easter egg hunt and coloring contest. Due to COVID-19 Easter egg hunts have been canceled throughout the state, and the country. Iowa Egg Council wants to keep the tradition and spirit alive for children and is encouraging kids, and their families to visit to download and print off any Easter egg coloring sheet, color the egg and place it on a window in the home for all to see. We encourage children and their families to go for a walk and hunt for eggs on windows, and share them with Iowa Egg Council on their  Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. If going outside is not an option, simply color your egg and share your artwork to one of Iowa Egg Council’s social media accounts using #IowaEggHunt or #IowaEggColoring.

Iowa Egg Council’s virtual Easter egg contest officially kicks off March 20, 2020. All entries must be posted by midnight on April 11th. A winner will be randomly selected and announced on April 17th. The winner will receive an egg swag bag that includes: a tote bag, Amazon gift card, t-shirt, coloring book, pencil and stress egg.

We hope to spread positivity and enjoyment with this contest and continue the tradition of Easter despite the current state of the world right now. We look forward to finding and seeing all of the beautifully colored Easter eggs and encourage families to decorate hardboiled eggs and cook plenty of egg friendly recipes with your families at home. For recipe and egg decorating ideas visit or


This story courtesy of the Iowa Agribusiness Radio Network.

