Storm Lake, Iowa — The Iowa DCI says a man who barricaded himself in his Storm Lake home after fleeing a traffic stop was shot this morning in an exchange of gunfire with law officers and died.
Information from the DCI says the Buena Vista County Sheriff’s Office stopped a pickup truck driven by 45-year-old Daniel Palenik for speeding outside of Storm Lake around eight Sunday morning. Deputies say Palenik, was uncooperative, made threats to them, and fled at a high rate of speed.
Palenik was found barricaded at his Storm Lake residence a short time later. The DCI says Palenik began firing at officers around 4 pm and continued to fire dozens more rounds at officers throughout the evening. Palenik fired again at three am and officers returned fire. The DCI says Palenik was struck and died at the scene.
Original story:
Storm Lake, Iowa — Some Storm Lake residents had a tense day on Sunday.
Residents in the area of 3rd and Oneida Streets in Storm Lake were asked to evacuate or shelter in place following a vehicle pursuit Sunday morning that ended at a residence near that intersection, which led to an armed barricaded individual that lasted into the evening.
According to the Storm Lake Police Department, the area was determined not to be safe due to credible threats involving the potential use of firearms. Storm Lake Police say that the subject was shooting at them. Residents were asked to stay clear of the vicinity and not travel through 3rd and Oneida Streets. Detours were put in place.
According to Storm Lake Police, the situation was resolved sometime overnight, and there is no longer a threat to the public. All roads in the area have been reopened, and residents have been able to return to their homes. There will continue to be a heavy police presence in the area as investigators process the crime scene. More information will be released later today (Mon).
Officers have been on the scene working in close coordination with the Buena Vista County Sheriff’s Department, BV County Attorney’s Office, and Iowa State Patrol to address the incident safely and effectively.
(Courtesy fellow Community First Broadcasting station KAYL in Storm Lake)