4-H Members, Leaders Celebrate 4-H Week

Northwest Iowa — This is 4-H week across America, and 4-H leaders and members are celebrating in northwest Iowa.

Katie Leusink, who is the Youth Program Coordinator for Iowa State University Extension in Sioux County tells us about 4-H week.

She tells us what some of the Sioux County 4-H members are doing.

She says the club whose window wins will get the prize of not having cleanup duty at the Sioux County Fair next year.

Leusink says she’s also sent a video to all of the fourth-grade classrooms in Sioux County, and if the teachers watch the video with their students, Leusink will deliver ice cream for the students.

Leusink reminds students and parents that 4-H is not just for farm kids. She says it’s all about helping youth grow to their full potential. She says they have everything from sewing to art to music to public speaking as well as livestock projects. In fact, she says they’ll help kids do almost any project that they are passionate about.

You can find out more about 4-H in Iowa at extension.iastate.edu/4h.



Seasons Center To Close Camp Autumn

Sutherland, Iowa — Seasons Center officials tell us they’re going to close their camp near Sutherland. Officials with the behavioral health