9-11 Remembrance Day, 18 Years Later

“Eighteen years ago, our nation changed forever following an act of cowardice from the enemies of freedom. The events of September 11 have left an indelible mark on American and world history, and certainly on the lives of the victims. We pray now as we did then that God may heal the wounds of those injured and the wounds left by those lost that day; that they might find peace on this solemn day. Let us recall the sacrifices made since that day to preserve our free way of life and to honor each day the pledge ‘never forget’.”  Those are the words of Iowa’s senior U.S. Senator, Charles Grassley.

Here is a tribute to those who have died as a result of that fateful day……..

The KIWA Staff photo at the top of this page is of one exhibit in the 9-11 Tunnels to Towers Mobile Memorial. 


NCC Reports Record Fall Enrollment

Sheldon, Iowa — News continues to come in from northwest Iowa institutions of higher learning about record fall enrollments. Not to

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