Orange City, Iowa — The Sioux County Auditor’s office is alerting the public about some issues regarding voter registration and absentee ballots.
While officials have not called them “scams,” they are saying that the public needs to be aware of what’s happening.
They say their office has received several calls from people concerned about a text message regarding their voter registration. Their advice is to ignore these texts and visit:…/voterreg/regtovote/search.aspx to see your registration status. The Auditor’s Office says that Sioux County does not send text messages regarding voter registration.
Also, Auditor’s Office officials say you may have received a voter registration form addressed to a former occupant at your residence. They say it appears that an organization is using an old voter registration list for their mailings, and that you should discard the voter registration form if you do not need it.
They also advise that a political party has sent out absentee ballot request forms recently. If you choose to use those forms, the Auditor’s Office says to be sure to complete all of the required fields as noted in the instructions.
Contact the Sioux County Auditor’s office with any questions at 712-737-2216. They remind you that county auditors’ offices and the Iowa Secretary of State are the trusted sources for election information.