Doon Days Happening The Next TWO Weekends

Doon, Iowa — Another community celebration begins this weekend and continues next weekend. This time in the Lyon County town of Doon.

Doon Days begins Saturday afternoon at 1:00 with a Poker Run. You can register at Burns’ Grill beginning at 12:30.

On Sunday, there will be a Community Worhsip Service at 10:30 am in the City Park, with a potluck brunch to follow at the Doon Community Center. Then Sunday night at 6:30, To God Be The Glory by Joyce Strabala and Family will be south of the Community Center.

Doon Days resumes next Thursday, July 22nd, with a Community Picnic at 6:30 pm in the City Park. Hamburgers, hotdogs and chips will be served for a freewill donation. They’ll also feature firetruck rides starting at 7:00 Thursday evening, with drop-off by the City Park, as well as a Fast Pitch Softball Game at 7:30 at the Doon Ballfield, with concession stand and slushies to benefit Doon Parks and Rec.

On Friday, July 23rd highlights will include a fundraiser outdoor picnic, ice cream, Cruise Night, Karaoke, Fireworks and more.

Saturday, July 24th is the big day of Doon Days and will begin with a pancake breakfast. The Bonnie Doon 5K run will begin at 8:00 am, the parade will begin at 11:00 with lunch in the park at noon, a car show and a pedal pull both starting at 12:30. They’ll also feature a pie social, the Running of the Balls, Water Fights, balloon release, picnic in the park and wrap up the day with a street dance for those 21 and over, featuring the Johnny Holm Band that will begin at 9:00.

Doon Days, a celebration too big for just one weekend, begins this Saturday in Doon.

You can find the complete schedule for Doon Days below. Click the schedule for the full-sized version…….





Dordt Sets Record Enrollment

Sioux Center, Iowa — Dordt University set a record enrollment this fall with 1,943 total students, the largest enrollment in Dordt’s

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