Ernst Critical Of Biden’s Lack Of Planning For Troop Withdrawal From Afghanistan

Statewide Iowa — Iowa Senator Joni Ernst is slamming President Joe Biden’s quick withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan.

The Republican is a combat veteran and says Biden is haphazardly withdrawing troops with no plan for handling the consequences.

Ernst has introduced a bill she says requires military, intelligence, and homeland security branches to take a hard look at the increased risk that a hurried withdrawal from Afghanistan poses to our homeland. It would also require those same officials to analyze and explain to Congress what kind of illicit activities are being carried out at our southern border by terrorist groups and our adversaries around the globe. Ernst says this is not a partisan concern.

Ernst made her comments in a conference call with reporters and was asked if this was the same as the previous administration announcing a drawdown of troops.

Ernst says there is one difference between the administrations and troop withdrawals.

Ernst says her bill called “The Preventing Terrorism from Hitting America’s Streets Act” would require an assessment of the potential for Afghanistan to be used as a base of operation for international terrorism resulting from the rushed withdrawal of our military.



Seasons Center To Close Camp Autumn

Sutherland, Iowa — Seasons Center officials tell us they’re going to close their camp near Sutherland. Officials with the behavioral health