Find Your Caucus Location Here

Northwest Iowa — One of the privileges we have as Iowans is to participate in the first-in-the-nation caucuses, which during a Presidential year have the ability to set the tone for the rest of the campaign. Some candidates, after doing poorly in the Iowa caucuses, decide to throw in the towel.

The 2020 Iowa caucuses are scheduled for 7:00 p.m. on Monday, February 3rd on both the Democratic and Republican sides.

It is highly encouraged you are registered to vote before you attend your local caucus. Only registered Republicans can caucus at their Republican caucus and only registered Democrats can caucus at their Democratic caucus. If you aren’t sure if you’re registered with a party or want to register on caucus night, officials tell us you should make sure you bring your ID and proof of residency to your caucus.

In most locations, everyone needs to be in line by 7:00 to participate.  Doors open at 6:30.

On the Democratic side, in Lyon County, there are caucuses in George, Inwood, Larchwood, and Rock Rapids. In Osceola County, there is only one Democratic caucus for the whole county — at the Sibley Senior Center. In O’Brien County, the Democratic caucuses will be in Sheldon, Sanborn, Hartley, Primghar, Paullina, and Sutherland. In Sioux County, there are caucuses in Alton, Orange City, Boyden, Hawarden, Hull, Rock Valley, and Sioux Center. And some towns have more than one, in multiple locations.

Caucus officials remind you that you can’t caucus just anywhere. To find your Democratic caucus location, you can go to

On the Republican side, Lyon County Republicans will all caucus at the Forster Community Center in Rock Rapids. Osceola County Republicans will all caucus at the Osceola County Courthouse in Sibley. O’Brien County Republican caucuses will be in Sutherland, Sheldon, Hartley, Sanborn, Paullina, and Primghar. Sioux County Republicans will have caucuses in Alton, Hospers, Ireton, Hull, Orange City, Rock Valley, and Sioux Center.

To find your Republican caucus, you can visit

A list of caucus locations follows. Democrats, followed by Republicans.


Lyon County Democrats:

George – Precinct 1, George Community Building – A, 117 South Main Street, George, IA 51237
Doon – Precinct 2, Inwood City Hall – A, 103 South Main Street, Inwood, IA 51240
Inwood – Precinct 3, Inwood City Hall – B, 103 South Main Street, Inwood, IA 51240
Larchwood – Precinct 4, Larchwood Recreation Center – A, 1138 Broadway Street, Larchwood, IA 51241
Lester – Precinct 5, Larchwood Recreation Center – B, 1138 Broadway Street, Larchwood, IA 51241
Little Rock – Precinct 6, George Community Building – B, 117 South Main Street, George, IA 51237
Rock Rapids – Precinct 7, Forster Community Center – A, 404 Main Street Rock Rapids, IA 51246
Rock Rapids – Precinct 8, Forster Community Center – B, 404 Main Street, Rock Rapids, IA 51246

Osceola County Democrats: All one caucus, at the Sibley Senior Center

O’Brien County Democrats:

1-Carroll/Floyd Sheldon City Hall/SCDC Boardroom 416 Ninth Street, Sheldon
2-Franklin Sanborn Community Building 225 Main Street, Sanborn
3-Hartley/Lincoln/Omega Hartley Library 91 First Street SE, Hartley
4-Sheldon Ward 1 Sheldon City Hall/Upper B 416 Ninth Street, Sheldon
5-Sheldon Ward 2 Sheldon City Hall/Upper A 416 Ninth Street, Sheldon
6-Sheldon Ward 3 Sheldon City Hall/Downstairs 416 Ninth Street, Sheldon
7-Summit/Center/Dale/Highland South O’Brien School/Elementary Gym 155 Third Street NE, Primghar
8-Union/Baker/Caledonia South O’Brien School/Conference Room 152 307 W Groesbeck Street, Paullina
9-Waterman/Grant/Liberty Sutherland Fire Hall 509 S Beech Street, Sutherland

Sioux County Democrats:

Alton/Nassau/East Orange — Alton Public Library
Floyd/Lynn — Orange City Public Library
Grant/Sheridan — Demco Community Center, Boyden
HW/BC/LG/WA/EG S — Hawarden Community Center
Lincoln — Hull Public Library
OC 1/Holland West — Orange City Public Library
OC 2/Holland E/NS 4-9 — Iowa State Bank, Orange City
PL/GF/ST/SX/EG N — Park View Event Center, Rock Valley
Reading/Center South — Hawarden Community Center
Rock Valley East — Park View Event Center, Rock Valley
Rock Valley West/Rock — Park View Event Center, Rock Valley
SCN/Capel/Welcome — All Seasons Center, Sioux Center
Sherman — Orange City Public Library
Sioux Center Central — All Seasons Center, Sioux Center
Sioux Center South — Sioux Center Public Library
West Branch/Center North — Iowa State Bank, Orange City

Lyon County Republicans:  All one caucus — meeting at the Forster Community Center in Rock Rapids.

Osceola County Republicans: All one caucus — meeting at the Osceola County Courthouse in Sibley

O’Brien County Republicans:

Precinct 1 – Carroll & Floyd Townships – Sheldon Community High School, 1700 E 4th St, Sheldon
Precinct 2 – Franklin Township – Sanborn Library – 407 Main St, Sanborn
Precinct 3: Hartley, Lincoln, & Omega Townships – HMS Elementary (Cafeteria), 240 1st St SE, Hartley
Precinct 4: Sheldon 1st Ward – Sheldon Community High School, 1700 E 4th St, Sheldon
Precinct 5: Sheldon 2nd Ward – Sheldon Community High School, 1700 E 4th St, Sheldon
Precinct 6: Sheldon 3rd Ward – Sheldon Community High School, 1700 E 4th St, Sheldon
Precinct 7: Summit, Center, Dale, & Highland Townships – O’Brien County Courthouse, 155 S Hayes Ave, Primghar
Precinct 8: Union, Baker, & Caledonia Townships – Paullina Library, 113 Mickley St, Paullina
Precinct 9: Waterman, Grant, & Liberty Townships – Sutherland Masonic Lodge, 121 W 2nd St, Sutherland

Sioux County Republicans:


Sioux Alton Nassau East Orange Alton Community Building 1101 Birch Ave, Alton, IA 51003
Sioux Floyd Lynn Hospers Community Center 211 Main St, Hospers, IA 51238
Sioux Grant Sheridan Hospers Community Center 211 Main St, Hospers, IA 51238
Sioux Hawarden BC LG WA EG S Ireton City Hall 316 Main St, Ireton, IA 51027
Sioux Lincoln Boyden Hull High School 801 1st St, Hull, IA 51239
Sioux Orange City 1 Holland West Orange City Hall 125 Central Ave S, Orange City, IA 51041
Sioux Orange City 2 Holland East MOC FV High School Auditorium 615 8th St SE, Orange City, IA 51041
Sioux Plato GF ST SX EG N Rock Valley High School 1712 20th Ave, Rock Valley, IA 51247
Sioux Reading Center South Ireton City Hall 316 Main St, Ireton, IA 51027
Sioux Rock Valley East Rock Valley High School 1712 20th Ave, Rock Valley, IA 51247
Sioux Rock Valley West Rock Rock Valley High Schol 1712 20th Ave, Rock Valley, IA 51247




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