Home Show A Huge Success

SCDC sheldon chamber door signSheldon, Iowa — Saturday’s 2015 Sheldon Chamber & Development Corporation Home and Design Expo was a huge success, with more than 1500 people through the doors during the day.  Michelle Honkomp of the SCDC tells us more.

Honkomp says that, in addition to the exhibitors on hand, there were other activities, as well.

She extended her sincere thanks to everyone who made Saturday’s expo such a huge success.

Saturday’s Home and Design Expo was held at the Lifelong Learning and Rec Center at Northwest Iowa Community College. And although this year’s Expo was a huge success, Honkomp tells us that there is no time to savor that success, due to the busy schedule in the next few weeks.

The SCDC Children’s Easter Egg Hunt starts at 10:00 Saturday morning at the Sheldon City Park, while the SCDC Ladies Day Out is scheduled for Thursday April 9th at 11:30 am.  Honkomp says there are still a few tickets left for that event.  For more information, contact the SCDC Office at 712-324-2813.



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