Jindal Holds Sheldon Town Hall Meeting

Jindal at Pizza RanchSheldon, Iowa — People from a wide area of northwest Iowa packed the Sheldon Pizza Ranch Monday night for a town hall meeting hosted by Louisiana Governor and Republican Presidential hopeful Bobby Jindal.

Jindal spoke to the group for about an hour before opening the meeting up to questions from the audience.  He told the crowd that he is a pro-life Christian who has cut off funding for Planned Parenthood in the wake of the recent videos discussing dismemberment of aborted babies to be sold as spare parts.

When asked about illegal immigration he said that the first step is to secure the border.  He noted that President Reagan had won passage of a comprehensive immigration reform package in the 80’s that was supposed to secure the border and remove those who had entered the country illegally.  He noted that neither of those things actually happened.

One of Jindal’s biggest laugh & applause Ines of the night came when someone asked him about gun control.  The Governor replied, “In Liouisiana we define gun control as hitting your target.”

Governor Jindal will speak  in Sioux Center Tueday evening, along with fellow presidential candidate Rick Santorum, and former Senate candidate Sam Clovis, at the Family Leader Northwest Iowa Summit, which will be held on the campus of Dordt College.

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