Johnson Wants To Raise Sales Tax For Water Quality, Conservation

Ocheyedan, Iowa — The Iowa Legislature is about to reconvene, and senators from our area have high hopes for the legislative session.
David Johnson 2015
We had a chance to talk to Senator David Johnson from Ocheyedan, who serves Iowa District 1, which covers Lyon, Osceola, Dickinson, Clay, and Palo Alto Counties. This past summer, in protest of actions by then-apparent Republican Presidential front-runner Donald Trump, Johnson suspended his membership in the Republican party and changed his affiliation to “no party.” Johnson says that puts him in a unique situation.

Johnson says now with the Republicans in charge of both houses and the governor’s chair, he hopes they don’t “overextend themselves.”

Senator Johnson says he has some ideas of his own as well.

He says he’ll again introduce a bill to raise the state sales tax by three-eighths of a cent for this purpose as he has done in past years. Johnson says there are other bills that he intends to introduce.

The legislature convenes for 2017 next Monday, January 9th.



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