Sheldon, Iowa — There’s a new way to get KIWA News.
KIWA News is now available as part of your Flash Briefing on Amazon devices such as Echo, Dot, and other Alexa-enabled devices. You can have the latest news from northwest Iowa delivered to you, whenever you ask, from KIWA Radio.
The first step is to use the Alexa app or to add the KIWA Skill. Just search for “KIWA” in the list of available “skills.” Click on KIWA, and hit “enable.” Now go to “settings.” Next, tap “Flash Briefing.” Make sure KIWA is enabled on the on/off toggle controls on the right.
Now just ask Alexa for the news or ask for your “Flash Briefing” and you’ll hear the latest from KIWA. It’s a new super fast and easy way to hear the news from your favorite KIWA announcers, Larry Ahrends, Wayne Barahona, Justin Hellinga, Rachel McDonald, Tom Traughber, and Scott Van Aartsen. Remember, you can get the full details of our news stories at