Krull: Tips For A Safe Holiday Celebration

Statewide Iowa — Believe it or not, December is here, Christmas is just over three weeks away, and 2021 is almost over. Each year, according to Iowa State Patrol Trooper Kevin Krull, December is set aside for the prevention of a major cause of traffic Deaths.

Trooper Krull says there are two major party dates in December that combine to make it the deadliest month of the year on Iowa’s roadways for impaired driving fatalities.

Krull says that every year, nationwide, nearly 11,000 people lose their lives in impaired driver collisions. That’s almost twice the total population of Sheldon EVERY SINGLE YEAR.

He says those celebrating the holidays with adult beverages should pace themselves.

And for those hosting holiday parties, Trooper Krull offers some ideas to help your guests stay sober.

Krull urges you to enjoy the holiday festivities in a responsible way.


