MidAmerican Gives Saftey Tips For Floods

  • Call MidAmerican right away at 888-427-5632 if you think your home or business will be impacted by flooding. We can temporarily disconnect your services for your own safety if your electric and/or natural gas service is likely to be impacted by flooding. Once we can confirm the situation is safe, we will reconnect your service at no charge.
  • Be aware that we may proactively disconnect your service if it is necessary to prevent an emergency. We take this measure to ensure the safety of our customers or employees during a coming flood, or if it is requested by local disaster or city officials. If practical, we strive to notify you in advance of the need to disconnect your service for any reason. 
  • Avoid standing water. Floodwaters outside may carry electrical current from downed power lines. Flooding in your home may also present a safety hazard if your electricity is not shut off beforehand.
  • Always assume downed power lines are energized. If you see any downed or low-hanging wires, do not go near them. Call us at 800-799-4443 to report an electric emergency.
  • Leave immediately if you smell natural gas. Call us from a safe location at 800-595-5325 to report a gas leak and request a free inspection.
  • Do not enter a flooded home or basement unless you are certain the electricity is shut off. If you aren’t sure whether the power is off, call us or a professional electrician. 
  • Call MidAmerican to have your service restored. If your property sustained damage during the event, before service can be restored, an inspection may be required by city, county or state inspectors, or by professional electricians or plumbers. To have your service restored after repair and inspection, call us at 800-432-0586. Assistance is available 24 hours every day.

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Tis the season of love, and KIWA wants you to share your love story with our listeners. One lucky couple will

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Shared Love Stories

Tis the season of love, and KIWA wants you to share your love story with our listeners. One lucky couple will