Orange City Voters Defeat $5 Million Bond Issue For Wellness Center

Orange City, Iowa — Orange City residents have defeated a five-million-dollar bond referendum. The money was to have gone to a new comprehensive wellness center.

Since it was a bond question, the measure required a “super-majority” of 60 percent to pass.

But, not only did the measure not receive a super-majority, it didn’t even receive the majority of the vote. Unofficial results from the Sioux County Auditor’s office indicate that 962 people voted “no” on the measure, with 748 people voting “yes.” That’s 43.74 percent voting “yes” — well short of the 60 percent needed — and 56.26 percent voting “no.”

Photo (concept drawing) courtesy Orange City Area Health System. Used by permission.


Dordt Sets Record Enrollment

Sioux Center, Iowa — Dordt University set a record enrollment this fall with 1,943 total students, the largest enrollment in Dordt’s

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