SCDC Holds Annual Meeting

Sheldon, Iowa – The Sheldon Chamber & Development Corporation held its annual meeting Thursday noon at the Crossroads Pavilion Event Center. About 85 members were in attendance, and the overall message of the day was one of positivity and gratitude.

Sheldon Development Director Curt Strouth took the opportunity to highlight the positive accomplishments of both the SCDC and Sheldon as a community. He especially noted that Sheldon’s population growth is up by 6.25% according to the latest census, bringing Sheldon’s total population to 5,512 people. He attributed this growth to Sheldon’s continuing investment in things such as the recreational trails, the event center, manufacturing, quality daycare, and the like.

SCDC President Trevor Gottula echoed many of the same sentiments and encouraged everyone to stay positive and find gratitude on a daily basis. He shared an inspirational quote with the group: “Gratitude over attitude.”

Finally, keynote speaker Tom Krause, a 25-time contributing author to the Chicken Soup For The Soul book series, motivated the group with his own message of positivity. His message titled “You Make a Difference!” reminded everyone in the room that each individual has his or her own unique talents and abilities to contribute to the community of Sheldon. He shared several inspiring stories of his own personal experiences and then left the group with a final thought – continue being a positive ambassador for Sheldon.




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