Sheldon Middle School Band Students Selected for Northwest Iowa 7th & 8th Grade Honor Bands

Sheldon, Iowa — Eight Sheldon Middle School band students have been selected to participate in the 52nd  annual Northwest Iowa Junior High/Middle School Honor Bands Festival.

On Saturday, October 19th, more than 350 seventh and eighth grade band students from 41 Northwest Iowa schools auditioned for a position in two honor bands.   Approximately 190 of those students were chosen. These selected students will perform a concert at Buena Vista University, Saturday, November 9th.

Selected from Sheldon Middle School are: 8th grader Katelyn Dykstra on the flute; 8th grader Abigail Otto on clarinet; 8th grader Heather Honkomp on clarinet; 7th grader Valerie Cook on French horn; 8th grader Stephen Schruers on trombone; 8th grader Omar Rubio on trombone; 7th grader Douglas Nilles on trombone; and 7th grader Christian Richards on tuba.   Sheldon’s middle school band director is Jeana Larson.

Guest conductors for the honor band festival will be Ms. Tiffany Wirth, Director of Bands at Buena Vista University and Mr. Luiz Viquez, Assistant Professor of Clarinet and Director of Orchestras at the University of South Dakota.



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