Northwest Iowa — It’s fall. That means it’s time to start thinking about your annual flu shot.
The Centers for Disease Control say that flu season typically starts in the fall and peaks in January or February, and that getting the flu vaccine is your best protection against the flu.
Sanford Rock Rapids Clinic manager Laurie Jensen tells us why you should get the flu vaccine.
She says they also strongly recommend vaccinating children, as their close quarters put them in contact more often with the flu virus.
She says that because of flu complications, the flu is not something to mess around with.
She says there are several types of flu vaccination delivery systems, varied mostly by age. For the young, flu virus mist is available. There is a pediatric vaccination for those under two, and a regular flu shot as well, plus a high-dose injection for those over 64, to give those in that age group extra protection.
Jensen says some hospitals set up special clinics for the public. She says that while Sanford Rock Rapids does have some clinics set up for private businesses and public schools in the county, they are not doing any clinics for the general public this year through Sanford Rock Rapids. She does advise that in addition to making an an appointment for a flu shot at the Sanford Clinics in Rock Rapids or George, there is flu vaccine available at pharmacies and through public health departments. She says it doesn’t matter where you get your flu shot — just that you get one.