Upgrade Hoped For In Hangar Replacement

Sheldon, Iowa — Recovery continues at the Sheldon Airport after the recent wind storm.

Wind storm damage at Sheldon Regional Airport on June 22, 2015
Wind storm damage at Sheldon Regional Airport on June 22, 2015

We had a chance to talk with Sheldon Airport Board Chairman Skip Tanner, who gave us an update after a recent meeting of the board. He says first of all he wants to thank people for their help after the storm. He says they’re doing work with the insurance companies now.

He says they’re still trying to figure out how much insurance is going to help.

Tanner says that the insurance companies have given them some advance money to make temporary repairs because the Sheldon Regional Airport is an important resource for many aircraft in the area, including medical planes and helicopters, and they need it to be in service as much as possible.

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