Will Iowans Keep Wearing Masks Even When They’re Not Mandated?

Statewide Iowa — While many Iowans are relieved most of the “Masks Required” signs have come down, there are some who will continue keeping their faces covered well after the COVID-19 pandemic fades away.

Epidemiologist Ajay Sethi says the US may be on the verge of joining other countries where mask use by those who are sick is much more commonplace.

In addition to helping prevent the spread of coronavirus, Sethi says masks work just as well with other respiratory illnesses like the flu or the common cold.

Sethi says the extremely low rate of influenza cases during the pandemic can be credited to social distancing and the use of masks.

While not everyone will be wearing masks all the time, Sethi says you can expect masks to become part of a basic routine for the sick.



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