For Marketplace Plus:
275 square feet of laminate flooring
For Sale:

Alfalfa hay. They are round bales. 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th cuttings available. Also for sale, Westendorf running gear. Asking for $1,000. 540-7479
Two items. The first is a Maytag washer. Asking for $50. There is nothing wrong with it, it just needs to go. The second item is a complete size day bed. Asking for $50 for that. 712-229-3563
Quick-tatch bail spear for a Westendorf loader. Also wanted, a 7-foot bucket to go with the Westendorf loader. 540-7479
Foodie Friday:
It’s National Hot Chocolate Day!
Here are a few facts about hot chocolate:
- Long before people nibbled on bars and brownies, chocolate was consumed in liquid form. Historians credit the Olmec civilization of southern Mexico as being the first to roast the fruit from the cacao tree, then grind it down and mix it with water and other ingredients.
- Mayans and Aztecs who picked up the habit from the Olmecs drank a bitter brew they called “xocoatl”, so hot chocolate was not always sweet.
- The pure cacao drink that early Mesoamericans crafted was high in calories and antioxidants, and delivered a jolt of caffeine. So, naturally, they believed it had restorative properties.