Bill Eases State Regulations For Homeschooling

Des Moines, Iowa (RI) — A bill eligible for debate in the House Education Committee would loosen restrictions on homeschooling and raises the state tuition and textbook tax credit.

Jeremy Voss is a lobbyist for Homeschool Iowa.

Under current law, children in a homeschool setting may be taught by someone who is not a relative, but that person must be a licensed teacher. The bill repeals that requirement and gets rid of the current limit that no more than four children may be homeschooled by a non-relative. Margaret Buckton is a lobbyist for the Urban Education Network and the Rural School Advocates of Iowa.

The bill also repeals requirements that parents provide records showing that children being taught at home or in a charter school have certain vaccinations and have had their blood tested for unsafe lead levels. Chaney Yeast, a lobbyist from Blank Children’s Hospital in Des Moines, says that’s worrisome.

Lauren Gideon of Indianola is a homeschool mom of seven who represents Classical Conversations, a company that sells homeschooling materials. She says the bill opens up a conversation about parental rights.

The bill also says Iowa colleges and universities must treat the diploma or certificate a homeschooling parent issues for their child the same as a high school diploma when making enrollment decisions.
