DMU Research Finds HPV-Related Cancer Rates Soaring In Rural Areas

Des Moines, Iowa — Research from Des Moines University has found cancers related to HPV — the human papillomavirus — are rising faster in rural areas.

The study looked at HPV-related cancer rates in Iowa and 19 other states over 20 years. Des Moines University professor Dr. Jason Semprini says the study found HPV-related cancer rates in urban areas remained steady — but there was a 50 percent increase in cases in rural areas.

The HPV vaccine became available in 2006 and is administered in two doses for children between the ages of nine and 14. Those older than 14 get the HPV vaccine in three doses over a six-month period. Cervical cancer is the main type of cancer linked to HPV, but HPV is known to be the cause of cancers of the mouth and throat as well.  


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