Funds For New Hospers Emergency Services Building Nearly Two-Thirds Of The Way Toward $2.8 Million Goal

Hospers, Iowa — Emergency responders in Hospers are raising funds to get a new emergency building built.

Mandy Boersma, who is one of the people organizing the effort gives us a taste of the way emergency responders are having to get by until a new building is built.

So far, $1.75 million has been raised of the $2.8 million total. Boersma says they’ve been discussing the need for a new building for a long time.

She says the committee has been “doing their homework.”

Boersma says they’re just out of space, even after a number of modifications.

She tells us where they hope to build.

She says they’d like to get started building it pretty soon.

She tells us about one of the fundraisers they have planned, on February 22nd.

Other fundraisers are planned in March and in May

She says there will be seven truck bays in the new building, a wash bay, a place for the ambulance, a meeting room and kitchen, a display area for a classic fire truck, a heated floor, and much more.

Boersma made her comments Thursday morning on the KIWA Talk of the Town Program, which can be heard on weekday mornings at 8:30 on KIWA-FM 105.3. We also post a podcast of every Talk of The Town Program, and you can find those by clicking here.
