Sheldon City Council To Meet Wednesday Afternoon

Sheldon, Iowa — The Sheldon City Council will meet in regular session this Wednesday afternoon at 4:30 p.m. in the council chambers at the Sheldon Community Services Center, across the street south of KIWA.

On their consent agenda, the work is done for the north hangar rehabilitation project at the airport and unless it is pulled from the consent agenda, it will be approved. Also on the consent agenda is a resolution of transfers; ambulance insurance adjustments for the second quarter; liquor license renewals for Cooks/Langers/The Lounge; confirming appointments of Amy Jager, Carmen Vanden Hull, and Teri Elgersma to the Recreation Trails Board, a second and a third facility use agreement with FEMA, a grant agreement with the Iowa Economic Development Authority for the apartments in the HC Lane Building, an agreement with Simmering-Cory for grant administration services for that project, an agreement with DGR Engineering on the west (old) water tower exterior repainting project, and joining a regional water organization known as Dakota Mainstem.

In new business, the council will consider the Sheldon Consolidated Urban Revitalization Plan.

Click here for a link to the meeting agenda.

Click here to watch the meeting via live stream or see the video recording of the meeting after it’s done.
