State official says community development and ‘placemaking’ key to population growth

Statewide, Iowa – Iowa Economic Development Authority director Debi Durham says growth in Iowa’s economy not only depends on the state’s tax and regulatory climate, but on community development.

Population trends illustrate the importance of making Iowa communities attractive for newcomers — or Iowans considering a return to the state.

Nearly a third of Iowans are over the age of 55 and growth in Iowa’s population lags neighboring states. Durham says driver’s license data shows where people moving into Iowa are coming from, like southern California. For the second year in a row, more people from the Omaha metro have moved into Iowa than have Council Bluffs and moved to Omaha.

The Pottawattamie Arts, Culture and Entertainment organization was formed in 2016 to expand and promote activities in the Council Bluffs area. Durham says arts and culture projects — as well as recreation opportunities — like Iowa’s expanding network of bicycle trails — make Iowa communities more attractive to newcomers.
