Winter Weather May Impact Natural Gas Prices

Sioux Center, Iowa — Natural gas utility companies and municipal systems are watching natural gas prices closely after the winter storm that recently struck the South.

Sioux Center Municipal Utilities is giving their customers a heads-up. They say extreme winter weather across the US may impact natural gas prices. However, they are telling their customers that Sioux Center Municipal Utilities has already locked in a favorable price for a large portion of their winter natural gas supply. And some other companies may have done the same thing.

However, Sioux Center says they still buy some natural gas on the market, and customers may experience somewhat higher natural gas bills this winter. Market prices and weather are beyond local control, but they are saying they are not increasing their cost of delivering gas to homes and businesses.

To lessen the impact of higher natural gas prices, Sioux Center officials suggest these conservation steps:

  • Keep your thermostat as low as comfort allows.
  • Consider a smart programmable thermostat — sometimes you can even get a rebate on them
  • Keep your furnace tuned up and change the filters
  • Open drapes, shades, and blinds and let the sun shine in during the day.
  • Weatherize your home/business.

They also remind you that if you expect heating costs to be a difficulty this winter, you can contact your community action agency. In Sioux and Lyon Counties (and some others), that’s Mid-Sioux Opportunity. In Osceola, O’Brien and several other counties, that’s Upper Des Moines Opportunity.
