A Dordt Defender earns GPAC Women’s Indoor Track-and-Field Athlete-of-the-Week honors

Sioux City, Iowa – A women’s track-and-field athlete from Dordt University has been named a Great Plains Athletic Conference (GPAC) Indoor Track-and-Field Athlete of the week as announced by the GPAC Wednesday, February 5th.

The athlete named was Corinne Braun. Braun, a freshman from Canton, South Dakota, hit the ‘A’ standard and qualified for nationals in two events at the SDSU D2 / NAIA Invite held last weekend.

On Friday night, Braun helped lead the Defenders to a first-place finish in the 4×800 relay with an auto qualifying time of 9:26.9, fourth fastest in the NAIA and No.1 in the GPAC. Braun returned the next day to run the 1000m where she placed second overall with a school record time of 2:54.35. The freshman’s time hit the ‘A’ standard and is No.1 in the GPAC, No.4 in the NAIA.



Sports Schedule For Saturday February 8th

Dual Team State Wrestling is on the Saturday schedule. For results click on the link below https://www.trackwrestling.com/teamtournaments/MainFrame.jsp?newSession=false&TIM=1738944207644&pageName=%2Fteamtournaments%2FBracketViewer.jsp&twSessionId=wqufstfugy