Sheldon City Council To Hold Public Hearing

Council ChambersSheldon, Iowa — The Sheldon City Council meets Wednesday May 20th with a Public Hearing on amendments to the 2014-15 budget. There are several reasons for these amendments. Some are brought about by projects that were not completed in 2013-14 and were carried over to the current fiscal year. Also, the city is paying off a high interest bond and this action affects the budget. In addition revenues have been higher than anticipated due to rate increases in certain areas. There will be no increase in tax levies due to the amendments.

The Council will also hear reports from SCDC Director Curt Strouth and Parks and Recreation Director Jake Kerr. They will also hear the first reading of an ordinance on water and sewer rates. The proposed ordinance would increase the overall water and sewer rates by three percent for all users.

Wednesday’s meeting will begin at 4:30 pm in the upper level of the Sheldon Community Services Center.



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