Winners of SCDC Christmas Lighting Contest Announced

christmas-lights-4Sheldon, Iowa — The annual Sheldon Christmas Lighting Contest was judged last (Thursday, December 1st) night as part of the annual Tour of Lights.  KIWA played Christmas music for folks to listen to in their cars as they traveled around the city taking in the seasonal lighting displays.

The winners of the 2016 Christmas Lighting Contest, according to the Sheldon Chamber & Development Corporation, were:

First Place- 1690 Pleasant Ct Dr: Daniel Ten Clay, receives $50 in Sheldon Dollars
Second Place- 1541 13th Avenue: Dan Klein, receives $30 in Sheldon Dollars
Third Place-, 605 8th Avenue: Paul & Krista Honnerman, receives $20 in Sheldon Dollars

The SCDC congratulates all of this year’s winners, and want to thank you all that show your holiday spirit by displaying lights!

