KIWA Marketplace For March 26th
KIWA Marketplace is on KIWA FM 105.3 Monday through Friday from 9:00 am to 9:15 am Call during the program at 712-324-5377, text 712-324-2597, or email All items and garage sales
March 26, 2021 | Page 3
KIWA Marketplace is on KIWA FM 105.3 Monday through Friday from 9:00 am to 9:15 am Call during the program at 712-324-5377, text 712-324-2597, or email All items and garage sales
IARN — As expected, U.S. corn exports were extremely high on the latest weekly U.S. Export Sales Report released Thursday.
IARN — Ames-based Calcium Products continues to help educate producers about the benefits of a soil pH maintenance program.
IARN — Egypt’s Suez Canal remains blocked by a skyscraper-sized cargo ship, backing up hundreds of other vessels along the crucial waterway.
IARN — USDA’s Quarterly Hogs and Pigs Report on Thursday revealed inventory on March 1st was 74.8 million head, down 2 percent from a year ago.
411 9th St. | Sheldon, IA 51201
Office: 712-324-2597 | Text: 712-324-2597 | Studio: 712-324-5377
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