Governor’s Annual Turkey Pardoning Ceremony Cancelled Due To Bird Flu
Des Moines, Iowa — An annual Thanksgiving week event outside the governor’s mansion has been canceled, due to bird flu concerns.
November 21, 2022
Des Moines, Iowa — An annual Thanksgiving week event outside the governor’s mansion has been canceled, due to bird flu concerns.
Sioux Falls, SD — One of the major healthcare companies in our region has recently received millions of dollars in grant funds.
Regional – The La Niña weather pattern will influence Iowa’s climate for the winter ahead, likely bringing wetter and colder-than-normal temperatures.
Sheldon, Iowa — Donations to the 2022 Sheldon United Fund are still ahead of the game, but donations slowed in the last week.
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Statewide Iowa — The chairman of the Iowa Republican Party says two well-known Iowans in the Democratic Party need to speak out to help keep their party’s Caucuses first-in-the-nation.
Statewide Iowa — Republican Todd Halbur has abandoned his call for a statewide recount of his race against State Auditor Rob Sand.
Statewide, Iowa — The Iowan who’s on the panel that will decide if Iowa’s Democratic Party Caucuses go first in 2024 says Iowa is key to winning the Presidency.
Ames, Iowa — As we approach Thanksgiving a turkey teaching and research facility that is the first of its kind in the US is now operating on the Iowa State
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