Sports Scores For Thursday July 6th
Orab softball on the air Thursday night. Sheldon opened tournament play at Estherville Lincoln Central in the first round of 3A Region 1. Broadcast on KIWA AM 1550/FM 100.7. Streamed
July 6, 2023
Orab softball on the air Thursday night. Sheldon opened tournament play at Estherville Lincoln Central in the first round of 3A Region 1. Broadcast on KIWA AM 1550/FM 100.7. Streamed
Sioux Center, Iowa — Former Vice President Mike Pence, campaigning in western Iowa this week, says he looks forward to debating former President Donald Trump next month. The first debate
Northwest Iowa — Here is this week’s Northwest Iowa Fishing Report from the Iowa Department of Natural Resources, released Thursday July 6th.
Orange City, Iowa — In just two weeks Puddle Jumper Park in Orange City will have its grand opening and ribbon cutting.
Omaha, Nebraska — The monthly survey of business leaders in Iowa and eight other Midwestern states shows the regional economy is still growing, but slowly. Creighton University economist Ernie Goss
Dickinson County, Iowa — There were two near drownings Tuesday, July 4th, on West Lake Okoboji.
Sheldon, Iowa — The 2023 season of Sheldon High School Summer Theatre productions conclude this week, with the musical Footloose, which is based on the blockbuster movie of the same name.
Polk County, Iowa– A district court judge has ruled Iowa counties may provide voter registration forms, ballots and other election materials in languages other than English.
KIWA Marketplace is on KIWA FM 105.3, and Streamed Live on our website, Monday through Friday from 9:00 am to 9:15 am Call during the program at 712-324-5377, text 712-324-2597, or email newstips@kiwaradio.com. All items and
IARN — Once again, not much has changed in the South American weather patterns. However, things are getting interesting in the exports, especially with the shake-up from last week’s USDA reports.
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