Few Contested Races In Osceola County In November
Sibley, Iowa — Several candidates are running for school and city positions in Osceola County in November. And citizens will also be asked if they approve of a bond issue
September 26, 2023
Sibley, Iowa — Several candidates are running for school and city positions in Osceola County in November. And citizens will also be asked if they approve of a bond issue
Sheldon, Iowa — The City of Sheldon, and in particular, the Sheldon Water Department, is looking forward to the day when the Lewis & Clark Regional Water System will be
Sioux Center, Iowa — There were a few tense moments for a driver in Sioux Center on Monday, September 25, 2023 when the electronics on her door started on fire
Hartley, Iowa– A May City man was taken to the hospital after a semi rollover accident near Hartley on Friday, September 22, 2023.
Des Moines, Iowa — The board that governs the three state universities will ask for less money from the Iowa Legislature for the new fiscal year than they requested last
Des Moines, Iowa — State Auditor Rob Sand has found administrative costs in Iowa public schools accounted for about eight percent of NEW spending over a recent six year period.
Northwest Iowa — We’re about one month into the new school year and some drivers are still forgetting to stop when school buses are dropping off and picking up kids.
Northwest Iowa — It’s still early, but the harvest season in northwest Iowa is getting off to a good start, according to ISU Extension agronomist Leah Ten Napel.
Northwest Iowa — The corn and soybean harvest in Iowa continues to progress, and rain last week helped crop and soil conditions.
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