Managing your operation with Climate FieldView Plus

IARN — Bayer continues to help farmers manage their operations through its digital platforms.

FieldView Plus is developed by The Climate Corporation, which is a subsidiary of Bayer. FieldView Plus is seamless data integration and analysis for a deeper understanding of farms and businesses. Tom Eickhoff is director of implementation with The Climate Corporation.

“It allows farmers to have a chance to get all of their data in one place,” said Eickhoff. “They have a digital platform that is both remotely enabled as well as within their desktop. Get all of your data in one place, lots of great visualizations, ways to understand performance in your own field. What’s really exciting is it’s over 69 billion data points generated globally. That allows us to do some really outstanding science and really accelerate the innovation within the ag space.”

With FieldView Plus, farmers get yield analysis, field region reports, field health imagery, manual seed scripts and fertility scripts at their fingertips.

“Farmers are some of the best scientists in the world,” said Eickhoff. “They love to experiment. One of the things FieldView enables is an opportunity to go test out new practices on your farm and real-time very easily see what those differences are. That creates a new dynamic in transparency and ability to see how products perform on your own operation within your own fields. It provides a different relationship you can have with your seed dealers as well as helping to make better decisions on what seed to purchase and what crop protection practices to put in place.”

Eickhoff says FieldView Plus is a user-friendly platform.

“It’s very simple and easy to use,” said Eickhoff. “Both the FieldView cab app as well as desktop. We even have some new enhancements allowing growers to have some of the things they saw within just the FieldView app now available on their desktop.”

Learn more at The Climate Corporation’s website. Eickhoff made his comments to the Iowa Agribusiness Radio Network at the 2021 Farm Progress Show in Decatur, Illinois.

Story courtesy of the Iowa Agribusiness Radio Network.

Photo Courtesy of The Climate Corporation

