Red Cross Blood Drive in Sheldon

red cross 2The American Red Cross Blood will be holding a blood drive on Thursday May 18th, 2017, from 1:00 – 7:00 p.m at the Sheldon First Christian Reformed Church.  To schedule your appointment go to, or call 712-324-5253.  WALK-INS WELCOME!   Go to for information on completing the pre-reading and donation questions, on May 18, online!  THE NEED IS CONSTANT – THANKS FOR GIVING BLOOD!

KIWA’s Shopper’s Page

 All retail items listed are being sold at greatly reduced prices. Please call 712-324-5377 weekdays between 8 am and 4 pm

KIWA Shopper’s Show

KIWA RADIO SHOPPER’S PAGE  All retail items listed are being sold at greatly reduced prices. Please call 712-324-5377 to make your