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Community Blood Bank Blood Drive in Sheldon

February 4 @ 7:30am - 3:30pm

Community Blood Bank will partner up to save lives at a winter community blood drive event held on Tuesday, February 4 from 7:30 a.m. to 10:20 a.m. at Village Northwest Unlimited and from 12:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. at Sanford Sheldon Medical Center.  The public will have an opportunity to donate blood to help local patients in the hospital during the fall months.  All blood donations will go directly to saving patients’ lives in the Sheldon area.  All who donate will receive a free t-shirt.

“Donating blood is important in all season as they are all met with their own challenges.  The winter is a struggle to maintain an adequate blood supply as we face issues with donors unable to give due to cold or flu,” states Ken Versteeg, Executive Director, Community Blood Bank.  “We have been seeing a steady reduction of 18% in local donations as the cold and flu season is intensifying across the region.  This makes it all the more important for those feeling well and healthy to ensure they give local and support the local supplies on February 4th.”

 Donors must be at least 17 years old (16 years old with a signed parent consent form found at www.cbblifeblood.org), weigh 110 lbs. or more and be in good general health the day of the donation.  Please bring an I.D.  It is recommended that a person eat and drink plenty of fluid prior to donating.  You can safely donate blood every 56 days.

For more information log onto www.cbblifeblood.org or call 712-324-6360. Community Blood Bank is not associated with any other blood bank organizations.
