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END IT! for Autumn Color Run

April 27 @ 9:30am

The 4th Annual END IT! for Autumn Color Run/Walk will take place on Saturday, April 27, 2019 at Veterans Park in Orange City, IA.

Registrations are now being accepted for the April 27 Color Run by visiting https://bit.ly/2DacSOm. Those who register before April 17 will get the early bird price and a long-sleeve shirt. The run begins at 9:30 AM in Veterans Park. A free kids’ carnival and food will follow the event.

The proceeds of the 4th Annual END IT! for Autumn Color Run will benefit Camp Autumn by providing scholarships for children to attend this unique therapeutic camp. Last April over 300 adults and children participated in the 3rd END IT! for Autumn Color Run and $12,600 was raised for Camp Autumn. Services began at Camp Autumn in the summer of 2017 and in the summer of 2018, Camp Autumn served over 200 children.

The END IT! for Autumn Color Run is a fundraiser coordinated by community members: Cindy Cleveringa, Amy Cleveringa and Erin Emmelkamp.

“The END IT! for Autumn Color Run is named in honor and memory of Autumn Elgersma, but child abuse has many names.  It is the name of every child who is a victim of abuse,” said Cindy Cleveringa, one of the organizations for the END IT! for Autumn Color Run. “Our goal is to not only raise money for scholarships for youth to be able to attend Camp Autumn, but also to create awareness of child abuse. We need to support children and families who are affected by child abuse.”

 For more information on this event or services provided by Seasons, Autumn’s Center, and Camp Autumn, please visit our website at: www.seasonscenter.org or call 1-800-242-5101.
