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Knights of Columbus Free Throw Contest

January 29 @ 12:00pm

Who:         Boys and girls who are 9-14 by January 1, 2022, are eligible.

What:        Each participant will get 3 warm-up shots, followed by shooting 15 free throws during the competition.

  • Boys and girls, ages 9, 10 and 11, will shoot with a women’s regulation size basketball from a foul line 12-foot away from a 10-foot high basket.
  • Girls, ages 12, 13, and 14, will shoot with a women’s regulation size basketball from a foul line 15-foot away from a 10-foot high basket.
  • Boys, ages 12, 13, and 14, will shoot with a men’s regulation size basketball from a foul line 15-foot away from a 10-foot high basket

When:       Saturday, January 29, 2022, at 12:00 pm

  • Doors will open at 11:00 pm for registration and practice shooting.

Where:      Village Northwest Unlimited Gymnasium (in the Wansink Center).

And…       First, second, and third place medals will be awarded for boys and girls in each age division.

  • Those finishing first and second in their respective divisions will advance to the district level of competition,
  • Those participating will also have an opportunity to win other prizes.