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NCC Non-Professional Permit to Carry Course

November 16 @ 6:00pm - 10:00pm

Northwest Iowa Community College Offers
Non-Professional Permit to Carry Course

Are you looking at protecting your Second Amendment rights? Are you looking at concealed carry? If so, we have the necessary class for you to get your permit.

This course was formerly known as Firearm Safety. Handgun owners must take this course and pass the written exam to be eligible to carry a concealed weapon permit in Iowa. The participant must have a background check performed by their County Sheriff’s department after taking the course in order to receive the permit.

The class will be taught by a certified instructor from the Iowa Law Enforcement Academy. The course will contain information on Iowa Laws regarding Permit to Carry. Please do not bring your firearm to the college for the class. Fee: $60

Upcoming Classes:
NCC Campus
6:00 -10:00pm
Building H, Room 510
To register, call Northwest Iowa Community College at 712-324-5061 or 800-352-4907 and ask for Continuing Education or register online at nwicc.edu.
