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NCC’s 1st Annual “Shoot for Success” Sports Shooting Fundraiser

August 26 - August 27

SPACE IS LIMITED– Reserve your spot at www.nwicc.edu/ss-reg.

Cost: $350 per team of 5 OR $70 per participant (includes shooting, meal and giveaways).

All proceeds raised will support scholarships for student-athletes participating in the Sports Shooting program at Northwest Iowa Community College! Currently, the NCC Foundation has limited scholarship opportunities for the student athletes. Due to your generosity and participation, the student-athletes will have the opportunity to apply for scholarships to assist them in paying for tuition, fees, books and other educational expenses while attending NCC.

If you are not able to attend, but would like to make a donation towards the cause, please visit the registration link above to make an online donation, or mail a check to NCC Foundation, 603 West Park St, Sheldon, IA 51201. Please include “Sports Shooting” on the memo line. Every donation, regardless of size, is valued and will help to make a difference in the lives of our student athletes!

If you have any questions, please contact Morgan at mgranstra@nwicc.edu or (712) 631-5643.

The NCC Sports Shooting Team and Foundation THANK YOU for your support of scholarship opportunities for our student-athletes at NCC!
