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“What’s Up – Focus on Planets” Program

January 30 @ 6:30pm

In 2020, the O’Brien County Conservation Board is holding a series of programs each month to get you thinking about what is going on above your head! “What’s Up” kicks off on Thursday, January 30 at 6:30 pm with a “Focus on Planets … and Stars.”

The STAR LAB portable planetarium will be set up in the conference room of the Prairie Heritage Center. Bring your family to the center to enjoy a spin through our solar system, learning about Earth and its neighboring planets. There will also be a chance to learn about some of the constellation star patterns observed in our winter sky.

After the planetarium experience, participants are invited to head outdoors to observe the night sky. What’s up in January? The planets and stars are!

For more information, contact the Prairie Heritage Center at 712-295-7200.
