Elderly Driver Strikes Sibley Convenience Store Causing Over $20,000 Damage

Sibley, Iowa — A Sibley convenience store sustained substantial damage when it was struck by a pickup truck Friday afternoon.

According to the Osceola County Sheriff’s Office, the mishap occurred shortly before 3:00 Friday afternoon when a 2010 Ford F150, driven by 90-year old Glenn Lorraine Doorenbos of Sibley, crashed into the east side of the convenience store building at Jackrabbit Junction, which is located adjacent to Highway 60 in the northeast part of Sibley.

Deputies say Doorenbos told them that he was entering a parking space on the east side of the building when he started pushing the truck’s brake pedal to stop, but also had his foot on the gas pedal. In addition to the building, authorities say Doorenbos also struck an ice machine that was placed on the sidewalk along the east side of the building. Deputies say the impact of the crash caused damage to the ceiling inside the kitchen of Champs Chicken, as well as the kitchen equipment in that area of the building.

Deputies estimate the damage to the convenience store to be about $20,000, with $500 in damage to Doorenbos’ pickup.

No injuries were reported.

KIWA File Photo
